Terra Cotta Pot Spring Wreath-Easy DIY

Today I’m sharing how to make a Terra Cotta Pot Spring Wreath using a simple technique using new pots that are aged. This is an easy DIY step-by-step tutorial for Spring Wreath Ideas.

I love Aged Terra Cotta Pots, and I recently saw a wreath made using old terra cotta pots in a garden shop at the beach. Although I have a large collection of terra cotta pots, I didn’t have the required amount to make a wreath. So here’s what I did.

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Terra Cotta Pot Spring Wreath Ideas – Supplies

First let’s gather our supplies.

I found my pots at the Dollar Tree. The smallest size came three to a package, and purchased nine packages. I used 17 small pots, so I estimated close to the correct amount. The medium size came in two to a package, and I used 12 pots or six packages. The number you will need to complete the project will depend on the size of your grapevine wreath.

For more ideas see Resources.

How to Age the Terra Cotta Pots

You only need white and black paint to age the terra cotta pots. I used chalk paint because it leaves a mat finish that appears more naturally aged.

Begin with the black paint and randomly swipe the paint onto the pots.

splash a few strokes of black paint on pots.

Once the black paint has dried, apply the white paint using slightly more coverage. You still want to see touches of the black paint and terra cotta color coming through the paint.

Randomly paint with white chalk paint for a faux aged look.

This process should go very quickly. Chalk Paint dries fast; therefore, you will be ready to begin the next step soon.

Last year I shared How to Age Clay Pots, and although I love that technique, you want to do something other than what is involved for this project. That tutorial is more suited for your larger pots.

How to Make a Spring Wreath

Now that you have your aged pots, you will begin to attach the terra cotta pots to the grapevine wreath.

First, cut lengths of the jute string approx. three ft. long. This allows you plenty of string to work with.

You can just run the jute string through the hole in the bottom of the pots. I choose to add two small pots to one length of jute string in some areas.

Begin adding the terra cotta pots to wreath

Next, you will want to attach the terra cotta pots to the wreath by securing them tightly with the jute sting.

use twine to tie the pots to the wreath

In order to fill the wreath tightly with the pots, I alternated between medium and small pots. In addition, be sure to randomly place the pots facing inward and outward around the wreath. You can see how closely each pot is placed in the photo below.

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Place pots randomly around the wreath

After all the pots are secure, hang your wreath to make sure it looks balanced and that all the pots are securely tied.

Tie terra cotta pots to grapevine wreath

Add Flowers and Greenery

Finally, you are ready to start adding some color.

Begin by securing styrofoam into random pots with hot glue.

Use small styrofoam balls in pots

Next, add Spanish moss to some pots and cover the styrofoam by applying hot glue. In addition, begin adding flowers and greenery randomly.

Cut the flower stem close to the actual flower bud using wire snips. You want a short stem. Then push the wire stems into the styrofoam or hot glue into the Spanish moss.

Hot Glue Pansies in terra cotta pots to make spring wreath.  Spring Wreath Door

Use Your Creative Eye to Finish the Spring Wreath Idea

Finally, hang your wreath again and see how it looks to you. I ensure it seems balanced and that any excess jute strings have been cut away. You can add more Spanish moss or flowers to any bare or exposed area.

Easy Spring wreath ideas made with small terra cotta clay pots for outdoor use.

You might also like to see this version from my friend Chloe at Celebrate and Decorate. She uses succulents in her Spring wreath ideas.

Pansies in faux aged terra cotta pots added to Spring Outdoor Wreath - outdoor wreath ideas.

Watch Video

Video for DIY Terra Cotta Wreath Tutorial.
Terra Cotta Pot Spring Wreath with pansy's  Farmhouse Style Spring Decor.


The perfect spot for this wreath will be on my DIY Greenhouse. Although it was a cold day, I had to snap a photo.

The terra cotta wreath, bistro table and spring flowers create the perfect entertaining area on the Greenhouse porch.

Resources – Shop This Post – You will find similar items on my storefront.

Terra Cotta Pot Spring Wreath on Greenhouse - Outdoor Spring Wreath

I hope you enjoyed today’s tutorial – Terra Cotta Pot Spring Wreath Ideas.

Easy DIY Spring wreath ideas with terra cotta pots for outdoor Spring decorations

Fall Version

I loved this wreath so much all summer and wanted a replacement for the Fall. Here is the tutorial for DIY Fall Wreath with Rusted Tin Cans.

Fall Tin Can Wreath Tutorial - rusted tin cans with fall foliage for an outdoor fall wreath

I hope you enjoyed today’s tutorial and thanks for stopping by! I look forward to sharing my next adventure with you.

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DIY Terra Cotta Wreath for Spring - Easy Spring Wreath Tutorial for outdoor wreath
Easy DIY Spring wreath ideas with terra cotta pots for outdoor Spring decorations
Easy DIY Terra Cotta Pot Wreath Ideas for outdoor wreath on Greenhouse.
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  1. So darling. Be careful, some people may call you the pot lady. Funny!!!!
    Dollar Tree is my favorite for turning inexpensive to wonderful.

  2. Yet another Rachel project I must do! How great that the Dollar Tree has the pots! I love the look! Thanks for sharing…Sandra

  3. It is so pretty – great job! I love your home and your potting shed. I always look forward to your posts.

  4. Oh my! I have only found the “paper” pots so far at my closest “Tree” … but happily there are a number of these stores close enough to me to search stock at others! (Or maybe they have them online?) The managers say they never know what they will get, so they are as surprised as we are when the truck is unloaded!
    I do LOVE your version of this pot wreath! Its fullness is one of its best features … !

  5. Oh my goodness! That I love! Love that you distressed the pots! Maybe one day I will do one! 🤗 As always,. Thanks for sharing!
    This would be a cute craft project
    For me and 4 others to do together!
    Just maybe a smaller grapevine wreath!
    We meeting 2 times a month. Each person share a project and make together and we have lunch after!
    Just friendship time together!
    What you think Rachel?

  6. Oh wow, Rachel! I love how your wreath turned out. I’ve always wanted one. Thank you for sharing. Pinned so I can try to make my own!

  7. This is the prettiest Spring wreath I’ve seen so far. I absolutely love the vintage charm of the painted pots. My front door needs one of these! Pinned

  8. Your wreath is breath-taking, my friend! It’s the perfect addition to an outdoor space, a spring front door or even a sunroom! I bet it’s heavy!!! 😉 Pinned!

  9. I love this wreath….I definitely need one for my Shed….may be my next project! Thanks for sharing!!!!

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