Dirt Road Adventures – Spring Is In The Air

Welcome to Dirt Road Adventures! Spring is in the air!

Can you feel it?

Well we are having crazy weather and one day I’m feeling it and the next we have the heat back on.

We have trees budding out and flowers popping through the ground.

It’s way too early, but I am tired of Winter, so I sorta like it.

Are you feeling like Spring? Ready for some Spring inspiration?

I’ve started decorating for Spring, and it feels so refreshing.

(Posts on The Ponds Farmhouse may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. See the full disclosure details here.)

Daffodil bloom in our yard for an early Spring is in the Air on Dirt Road Adventures.
Check out these fresh blooms from my garden.

This is a look back at all my adventures this past week.

First, you saw that we worked at the Beach Cottage last weekend. We were working on the bathroom remodel, and I shared the faux wallpaper technique with you on Thursday.

So we came home on Tuesday and immediately took Rudy to the veterinarian because he was biting at his backside.

We thought he had allergies, but it was a ruptured gland.

Rudy hiding behind the coffee table at our tiny beach cottage.  blue sofa and print pillows on Dirt Road Adventures.
Rudy thinks he’s hiding from me after I scolded him for biting his backside.

Fortunately, it’s nothing serious, and we are forcing antibiotics down his throat because there’s no fooling that boy.

This is our first experience trying to give him medicine.

We have tried everything, and somehow, the pill always ends up on the floor, stuck in his fur or anywhere but in his stomach.

Mini Golden Doodle, Rudy is upset I scolded him and is trying to hide behind the coffee table.

We’ve put it in peanut butter, inside a piece of hot dog, inside a treat, opened the capsule, and mixed the powder into all of the above, and it’s not going down his throat.

The only solution is to force his mouth open and push it down his throat.

Even with this technique, we still can’t seem to keep it down.

I think we held his mouth shut in the last episode until it dissolved.

He’s not speaking to us currently.

I know I’ll find those pills all around the house for weeks. Only nine more pills to go. LOL

sweet Rudy, mini Goldendoodle on front porch at farmhouse on print black and beige rug.

A Mini Adventure

Brad and I have started having mini adventures exploring out-of-the-way and unusual places to eat. Did you see the trip to the Five Star Gas Station a few weeks ago?

This past week we decided to have lunch at a little cafe that we stumbled across.

Fat N Sassy Cafe is located on the outskirts of Asheboro in an old country store building.

I love seeing old buildings being refurbished and put to good use.

The interior was well decorated with a nod to an old country store. They also have outdoor seating, which I’d like to experience on a warmer day.

This restaurant serves breakfast and lunch. The lunch menu consists primarily of hamburgers, bar-b-que, hot dogs, and several choices of veggies. I believe they also have daily specials

I had a delicious cheese burger, and Brad had a bar-b-que plate with vegetables.

Most of the tables were filled, and it was a pleasant surprise. If you are in the area, you should check it out.

Old Rock Store refurbished into Fat N Sassy Cafe for a unique dining experience in Asheboro, NC

In Case You Missed It

First, I decided to share a few posts from last year.

How To Use a Tobacco Stick Lantern for Spring Decorating was a fun Pinterest Challenge.

Tobacco Stick Lantern decorated for Spring with Easter Bunnies and Carrots for a table centerpiece on Dirt Road Adventures.

In addition, I shared two faux wall ideas that we are using to remodel our tiny beach cottage on a budget.

The Wall Stencil for a Faux Wallpaper technique & A Wood Accent Wall using a thrifted pegboard shelf.

Adventures off the Dirt Road

Why Didn’t I Think of That?

Each week, there are so many wonderful blog posts, and I’m sharing some of my favorites with you today.

There are so many creative ideas, and I’m always asking myself, “Why didn’t I think of that”? LOL

Don’t these faux carrots look real? Check out how Michelle made these carrots with Air Dry Clay.

Dirt Road Adventures Found this DIY Air Dry Clay tutorial to make carrots for Easter

I love Robyn’s vintage decorating style, and she shared 3 Mantel Decorating Styles for Spring.

How To style a mantel 3 ways for Spring was found on Dirt Road Adventures Spring is in the Air

I’ve been obsessed with decoupaging Easter eggs so far this season, but then I saw this cute idea to make concrete eggs. How many eggs do I need? I think several. Check out Kristin’s DIY Tutorial.

Easter DIY project - Concrete Eggs tutorial for spring is in the air.

Mary shared this creative use for Recycling an Old Wreath with Dried Flowers.

Wait until you see this sunroom transformed into a Creative Home Office Space.

My friend Stacy has some great tips for caring for a Spider Plant.

I want to go shopping with CoCo at The Renninger’s Extravaganza.

I also loved this DIY Forsythia Wreath.

What’s in my cart…

I found this great deal on a seagrass vase similar to one that is way more expensive.

A friend recommends this supplement, and I’ve been taking it for a few days. I will make sure to update you soon.

These rug gripper pads just arrived.

The paint roller I shared last week just arrived.

I’m going to be using this fabric for the project.

I plan to use these paint colors and this Fabric Medium for painting.

Coming Soon…

Get ready for several Spring and Easter Inspiration Posts.

I’ll share the full reveal of the Small Bathroom Remodel for under $500.00.

Thank you for showing up and following along each week. Have the best day!

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  1. We have a little dog that is on several pills every day and she is the same way with taking pills, only she would chew on your fingers while you were trying to get the pills in her mouth. We tried mixing it in with her food and she would find them and the food would be gone but the pills were lying on the floor next to her bowl. I remembered that I had a small mortar and pestle that I wasn’t using and we tried crushing her pills and then mixing them in her food. Works like a charm and we have no more spitting of pills. Now all we need to do is figure out how we can stop her from running away when she sees me with her insulin needle, which is now her new favorite game. Ugh! More adventures with a 14 yr old senior dog that has more elder ills than I do at 81 yrs.

    1. Saundra,
      Oh, I’m so sorry she has to take so many pills and having to give her an insulin shot doesn’t sound like fun, either. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.

  2. I too wish that spring would just ..well spring up! Lol…crazy back and forth weather lately. My husband and I are always on the look out for new places to eat on our special free day which is Sunday. Our part of the Indiana state just has very few options that aren’t fast food chains. What a treat you had at Fat and Sassy Cafe. There should be more mom and pop places to eat…I encourage it:0)

    For the pup and those darned anal glands..we’ve dealt with this for years with our dog but the best thing ever was to firm those stools up so they function and drain as they should…our vet recommended RxClay (Amazon) for help and our dogs eat boiled chicken, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, boiled eggs, kefir, goat cheese, blueberries…our rescue Cavalier eats a raw beef (I warm it) with some of the above and after our almost ruptured anal gland has never happened again…fingers crossed..and we have firm stools..finally!! Less scoots on the ground.
    I’m glad your caring for your sweet guy! We give pills in goat cheese, peanut butter or open and dump in their food..some dogs are just worse than others it seems. Best of luck!

  3. Our Berner, Gretchen used to be like that with the pills. She would even hide in another room knowing we were getting them ready. Even if we did it in another room. So smart and intuitive. Keep trying different things. Think of things that would hide the smell mostly. Good Luck! Hope he’s better soon.

  4. Awe I love that little puppy he’s so cute look forward to seeing him
    Feel better Rudy. Be good and take those pills.

  5. Oh my gosh, Rudy is such a cutie pie! Piper doesn’t like to take meds either but she has to take an anxiety pill every day. We finally snuggled them in a bit of cream cheese and she’s good to go now so you might want to try that idea for Rudy too. Thank you for sharing my trip to Renningers. You would love that place! It’s like acres and acres and acres of goodies! Hugs, CoCo

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