Dirt Road Adventures – A Thrifty Week
Welcome to another week of Dirt Road Adventures. It’s been a Thrifty Week for sure.
Dirt Road Adventures, is a look back at what’s been happening this week at the end of the our Dirt Road! In addition, I love sharing all the creative things my friends have been doing off the Dirt Road.
Do you ever get an idea and then go searching for the perfect piece and then you can’t find a thing that will work?
Well, that’s what happened to me at Christmas. The table on my side of the bed needed to go and a much more substantial chest was just the ticket. Needless the say, we couldn’t find a thing that would work so my Christmas was a little disappointing.

Stay tuned for the piece I found. It’s still in my husbands truck. I know the minute I bring it inside, I’ll be in project mode so I’m leaving it in the truck. LOL!!!
Another thrifty Find
While looking for this piece, I found other fun items and shared them on Instagram Stories. One of my friends pointed out that the gorgeous tablecloth and napkins I snagged were a match for a Villeroy & Bosh Petite Fleur China Pattern. After a little investigation by my friend, we now know the origin of my new/old pieces.
If you like to seeing my Thrift Store adventures, be sure to follow me on Instagram and you can also see some of my top tips for thrift store shopping here.
This is a look back at all my adventures this past week.
One of the favorite things I did this week was make some Heart Pillows using scrapes of fabric. I shared a video tutorial here and the blog post with all the links and sources is available here.
In addition, all these stems were collected to start forcing some blooms. I can’t wait to update you on their progress. You can see how to start forcing your own blooms on this post.

A Recipe Adventure
This is one of my “So Easy Even I’ll Make It” recipes. This Black Bean Cake Recipe is healthy and delicious. Plus, there is a bonus side recipe for Corn Relish.

Adventures off the Dirt Road
Why Didn’t I Think of That?
Each week, there are so many wonderful blog posts, and I’m sharing some of my favorites with you today.
There are so many creative ideas, and I’m always asking myself, “Why didn’t I think of that”? LOL
Gather your Collections
One of my best tips for any collector is to group your collections together. When I saw how Stacy at Brick N Blooms styled her hutch for winter, I couldn’t wait to share with you.
I love how she gathered all the pieces of her white china and filled her gorgeous black hutch. Head over to her blog and see more about Winter Decorating.
Organizing Tips off the Dirt road
I have shared many times that organization isn’t one of my talents. So today I’m sharing more great tips from Courtney at French Country Cottage. Head over to see how she keeps her home organized.
DIY – Off the Dirt Road
One of my all time favorite things is old cutting boards. When I saw this tutorial to make new boards looks like old vintage cutting boards, I had to take a look.
You are going to love this easy tutorial by Cheryl at Down Sprigg Lane
Thanks so much for stopping by today and letting me share my adventures. I look forward to another exciting week!.
Have the Best Saturday!
Rachel thank you so much for sharing my china cabinet and hutch collection today! I really appreciate that. I love all your thrifted finds and that bean cake looks really good. I totally want to make that! xoxoxo
You are so welcome.
Always love your weekly Dirt Road Adventure posts Rachel!
Thanks for always stopping by.